Content editing, copyediting, proofreading and editorial production management

Michele Lee DeFilippo




·  Experienced publishing professional with a track record of streamlining production workflow, managing cross-departmental projects and meeting tight deadlines.
·  Solid background in editing technology- and management-focused news, features and columns for both print and online publications.
·  Proficient in Adobe’s InDesign/InCopy. Well versed in TeamSite and Vignette content management systems, HTML/XML formatting and vjoon’s K4 file management system.



Technology for Publishing, Bolton, Mass.

Contributing editor/copy editor, 2011–present

·  Edit case studies for the company’s website using Microsoft Word and PDF markup functions.
·  Edit technical training handbooks in Adobe InDesign CS5.5.
·  Write and copyedit blog posts on publishing industry issues and technologies in WordPress, and curate and summarize content for the This Week in Publishing blog and newsletter.
·  Revised the company’s in-house style guide to establish consistency in client-facing materials.


InterSystems Corp., Cambridge, Mass.

Freelance editor, 2012-present

·  Copyedit white papers and marketing materials focused on health care technology, using Microsoft Word and PDF markup functions.


TechTarget, Norwood, Mass.

Freelance editor, 2012-present

·  Copyedit technology-focused vendor white papers in Microsoft Word.


CIO Executive Council, Framingham, Mass.

Freelance editor, 2011–2012

·  Line-edited profiles of council members’ technology projects. Worked with freelance writers and executive-level interview subjects to resolve outstanding questions, obtain supplemental materials and get final sign-off on edits.
·  Formatted and copyfitted text, working with Adobe InCopy CS5 and the vjoon K4 workflow management system.
·  Worked with the council’s editorial staff and a team of freelance writers to establish the workflow for the launch of the Peer Intelligence program.


IDG Enterprise, Framingham, Mass.

Senior managing editor, copy and production, 2009–2011

·  Oversaw all aspects of Computerworld print production, in addition to copyediting news and feature stories for
·  Generated column ideas for external subject-matter experts; edited those columns and posted them to through the TeamSite content management system.
·  Coordinated with art and IT departments during the redesign of Computerworld’s print edition to ensure proper style sheet/XML tag mapping for TeamSite.
·  Worked with editors in chief and other staff members of Computerworld and Network World on their transition from publishing weekly to twice a month, including evaluating workflow and establishing new deadlines.
·  Oversaw Network World staff’s transition from OpenPages and Quark software to K4 and Adobe CS3, as well as Computerworld’s upgrade from CS2 to CS3.
·  Managed a team of four people brought together from three separate business units to jointly support print production of four magazine titles (CIO, CSO, Network World and Computerworld).


Computerworld, Framingham, Mass.

Managing editor/production, 2004–2009

Assistant managing editor/production, 2002–2004

Senior copy editor, 2000–2002

Copy editor, 1999–2000

·  Created and enforced a weekly schedule for shipping pages to the printing company.
·  Edited all sections of the magazine to conform to Associated Press and in-house style guidelines.
·  Laid out pages and copyfit articles using InCopy and InDesign desktop publishing software.
·  Wrote headlines, decks and story captions for news stories, and worked with writers and editors to resolve outstanding questions in articles.
·  Developed a wiki to make the in-house style guide accessible to on-site employees, remote workers and freelancers.
·  Headed the style committee and kept the in-house style guide up-to-date.
·  Copyedited white papers and marketing materials as needed.
·  Coordinated copy desk coverage of Web news feeds with news editors; copyedited and posted materials for using the Vignette content management system and HTML.
·  Served as a liaison between the editorial and ad traffic departments to help optimize the ratio of advertising to editorial pages.
·  Worked with the editor in chief, director of ad sales and head of production to establish print advertising guidelines and configurations.
·  Managed four copy desk employees. Responsible for hiring staff, conducting performance reviews and running weekly staff meetings.
·  Recruited unpaid contributors to write advice columns for’s Careers Knowledge Center. Edited columns and posted them to the website.
·  Produced the weekly CareerMail digital newsletter.
·  Coordinated the magazine’s migration from QuarkXPress/CopyDesk/QPS software to InDesign/InCopy/K4 with editorial, online, graphic design, production and IT departments.
·  Worked with the design and IT departments during the redesign of the print issue to ensure proper style sheet/XML tagging for’s content management system and syndication partners.


Solutions Integrator, Framingham, Mass.

Copy editor, 1997–1999           

·  Edited all sections of the technology magazine to conform to the Chicago Manual of Style and in-house style guidelines.
·  Monitored the flow of materials, including artwork and features, throughout the production cycle to ensure that publishing deadlines were met.
·  Wrote captions and performed fact-checking for all materials.
·  Laid out text for all sections of the magazine using QuarkXPress.



Tufts University, Medford, Mass.     

Bachelor of Arts degree in English and psychology

Elected to Psi Chi, the honor society for psychology


School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Completed Beginning Graphic Design course, Fall 2009


Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Mass.

Completed Project Management Fundamentals course, Spring 2012